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My dentures are amazing! (said no one ever) The denture alternative that could completely change your life

My dentures are amazing! (said no one ever) The denture alternative that could completely change your life
Published Feb 01, 2020

Dentures are no picnic. 

No matter how customized they are to your mouth, no matter how much you paid for them, no matter how you’re supposed to feel about them - there’s always something that feels a little ‘off’ about them.

And the problem only gets worse with time. As you lose more and more bone those dentures that have never felt quite right, start to turn into a seriously uncomfortable situation. 

But, what are you supposed to do about it? 

A better way

We’ve all heard of dental implants before. They look and act just like real teeth and are the next best thing to having never lost your originals. 

But we’re talking about your entire arch of teeth here - and it probably sounds a little over the top to have every single tooth replaced by a dental implant, right? But you don’t have to! 

There’s a completely realistic option - implant-supported dentures. These dentures are anchored to your mouth by anywhere from 2-6 dental implants and turn uncomfortable, moving dentures into well-supported stable teeth!

With implant-supported dentures, you can expect most all of the benefits you would get if you replaced every tooth with an implant, minus the cost. Prepare to eat the foods you love again, smile with confidence, and stop worrying your teeth coming loose while out to lunch with friends! 

What’s the process?

This procedure is extremely common. Oral surgeons find it to be predictable, straight forward, and extremely successful. 

If you’re getting implants for your lower jaw, the dentures will require anywhere from 4-6 implants to be secure. The upper jaw may only need 2-4.

During the procedure you’ll be under anesthesia and won’t feel a thing.

If you have a good amount of bone, your implants may be placed then your permanent crowns placed over top of your implants the very same day - meaning you’ll walk out of the office right after your procedure with your brand new implant-supported dentures! 

If you’ve lost some bone over time, your implants may need to heal for a few months before your permanent crowns are placed. During that time, you’ll simply wear your original dentures.

Whether your procedure is done immediately or within a few months, your new dentures will look beautiful, stay in place, and give you back the ability to eat almost anything you want to again! 

Implant-supported removable dentures

If you like having the ability to remove your dentures to give them daily cleanings, implant-supported dentures come with a removable option!. Removable dentures require 2-6 implants that firmly anchor a full set of dentures in place. A custom-fitted support bar is fixed to the implants and the teeth snap into place using special retention clips.

This type of denture is called an “overdenture.” It will still feel very secure and allow for very little shifting when you speak and eat.

You’ll easily be able to clip them on and off for cleanings whenever you like. 

Implant-supported permanent dentures

Permanent dentures are an even more stable option. 

They will require anywhere from 4-6 implants to be placed and your dentures are affixed to the implants with screws, making them extremely secure. 

Instead of removing your dentures for daily cleanings, you’ll clean around and under the teeth along your gums - then simply schedule deeper cleanings regularly with your dentist. 

This type of denture is a wonderful option because you’ll get the complete experience of permanent teeth, including the ability to eat all of the foods you love again with no shifting or movement. 


Until fairly recently, the only dental implants readily available to us were made of a metal called Titanium. While Titanium is a durable material, it’s corrosive nature causes it to come with long-term safety risks.

Now, however, we have the option of choosing an implants made of a metal-free material called Zirconia. Zirconia implants are not only the safer option, they also just happen to look better too!

Beautiful, comfortable, stable teeth

No matter whether you decide to get removable or nonremovable implant-supported dentures, you’ll finally get to say good-bye to your current situation and the limitations your dentures bring to your life.  

Dr. Kevin C. Woods of Wood Dental Associates in Buffalo, New York says of the procedure:

“[It] can be completed in a matter of hours... with results that can be quite stunning. Patients can hardly believe the improvement in their abilities to eat, speak, laugh and smile.”

Give yourself a set of beautiful, comfortable, stable teeth. 

Schedule a consultation with one of our ceramic dental implant specialists today!

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